What can I say of this place? It's been open for a while now and I don't know why we really never got to taste it properly. But during the Malaga Film Festival we popped in by chance (or shall we call it destiny?) and ever since we try to show up at least every two weeks. They speak English BTW, so that should be helpful for those who struggle with Spanish while in town. Another excellent option if you are looking for tasty, delicate and creative tapas, it should definetely be on your "To Do" list. Traditional decor, warm welcome (owners care for guests and they really love their menu), unpretentious quality and plenty of choice on the wines front. Besides, it sticks to our favourite price range (15-25€). What can I say..? I have a thing for eating out so budget dinners is the way to go!
Items on the menu you shouldn't miss (to tell you the truth everything I've tasted so far was superb, but just to mention a few):
Quiche de alcachofas
Filete de dorada envuelto en berenjena
Flamenquines de jamón ibérico y queso manchego
Mollejas (on offer only sometimes as special dish of the day)
Porra antequerana con huevos de codorniz y tomatitos
Tortilla de algas
Risotto de calabaza y hongos secos
Location: Calle Carcer 8, Malaga
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